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Comparing Searches in Explore

Benchmark the insights of up to 10 Explore Searches.

Cheyenne V. avatar
Written by Cheyenne V.
Updated over a week ago

The Compare feature in Explore provides extensive functionalities for benchmarking, evaluating share-of-voice, performance analysis, and uncovering business insights.

This article will cover


Before using the Compare Search feature in Explore, you must have at least two saved searches. Learn more about Creating a Search in Explore.

Before using the Split by Category feature in a compare search (learn more below), you must first have custom categories in your Meltwater account. Learn more about Custom Categories in Explore.

Examples of Compare Searches

In Compare, you can select up to 10 saved searches. Here are some example comparisons you can search based on your Boolean queries and reporting objectives:

  • Competitors

  • Influencers

  • Campaigns

  • Product categories

  • Products or product launches

  • Customer service categories

  • Crisis impact

Creating a Compare Search

  1. Select Explore in the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Navigate to Compare search

  3. Select Create

  4. Select Add search

  5. Click the check box to the left of the searches you want to add to your compare search

  6. Select OK

  7. Click Search

  8. To update the date range, click Last 7 days in the top right-hand corner to adjust the date range as needed

    1. Select Update results if you changed the date range

  9. To export data from individual widgets, Click the down arrow in the top right-hand corner of a widget you want to export

    1. Select the format

    2. You will receive a download notification when the data is ready

  10. To export all widgets into one consolidated slide deck, Select Actions

    1. Click Share Dashboards

    2. Click Edit Slides to make any necessary edits

    3. Once all edits have been made, click Share

    4. Create a password

    5. Select Save

    6. Select the format you want to export your slides

    7. You will receive a download notification when the deck is ready

    Comparing Different Date Ranges / Override Date

    When crafting Compare Searches in Explore, you can override the date ranges for each search input, creating better 'apples-to-apples' comparisons. This applies a date range unique to each search and does not adhere to the page-wide date range.

    Use case example:

    You want to compare a product launch from October 2023 to a different product launched in February 2024.

  11. To override the date in a search, navigate to the search bar

    1. Click on the dropdown arrow for one of the searches you’ve already selected

    2. Select Override date

    3. Select a preset or custom date range

    4. Select OK

    5. Complete this same process for the other added searches to apply an Override date on all

    6. Select Update results

When an override date range is selected, a calendar icon will indicate that the search does not use the date range from the page-level date selector.

When you hover on a search input, a tooltip appears with the override date range. Updating the page-level date range does not impact any overridden date ranges.

Split by Category

Before using the Split by Category in your Compare Search, you must first have custom categories in your Meltwater account. Learn more about Custom Categories in Explore.

Break down your searches with custom categories to show the frequency with which each category occurs in the search results. Analyze brands, products, industries, and more.

Available Widgets in Compare

Mentions Trend by Search

Breakdown of mentions for each search.

Share of Voice by Mentions

Share of Voice compares the percentage of selected inputs as measured by mentions (this will populate in a donut chart and a bar graph).

Share of Voice by Post Impressions

Share of Voice compares the percentage of selected inputs as measured by Post Impressions (this will populate in both a donut chart and a line graph).

Share of Voice by Source

Share of Voice compares the percentage of selected inputs as measured by source.

Share of Voice by Location

Share of Voice compares the percentage of selected inputs as measured by location.

Share of Voice by Sentiment

Share of Voice compares the percentage of selected inputs as measured by sentiment.

Top Keywords

Keywords that appear most frequently for each search.

💡 Tip

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